Need More Discipline! | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Need More Discipline!

My goodness, I have been sitting here at the computer for the past two hours playing old school games that I used to play on my Atari (Nintendo's father) a long time ago. Does anyone even remember Atari (or Micro Genius) anymore?

I am totally addicted to Donkey Kong, Reversi, Checkers, Mario Brothers, Gold Digger, Pacman and many more.

The problem is, I should be blogging and I have a list of ideas here that I should put into words as soon as possible but I am not, I guess I am mentally tired and physically exhausted from all the blogging already!

And f I am not at the computer, I would be paying games on my E61i. You may know that this is an enterprise (business) device and there really are not that many games available for it. But I have Tumbleweed which I still can't get past Level 1 and also Tetris. I play Tetris Mania in the toilet. That's multi-tasking for you!

Don't let me start on another MMORPG *sigh*

I tell myself that if I continue to be addicted to games, I would not be buying a laptop for myself. It hasn't been working, though!


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