Dream Diary - 06 | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Dream Diary - 06

You know how I've only managed three hours of sleep every night since three or four months ago? Well, last night, I managed four hours. And.... I had a nightmare. Usually for a three-hour sleep, I don't get any dreams at all. My friend has remarked that "Damn dreams also not here yet!" which is true. If not mistaken, most vivid dreams only come to us in the 4th to 5th hour of continuous sleep.

Last night, I dreamt that my OTHER monkey went into fits. I tell you, that really freaked me out.

All along, I know that it MAY be dangerous to my OTHER monkey to keep them both together. One has been suffering from seizures since nine months ago, and we don't know if it could be contagious or not.

It is a fear that I have been carrying with me all these years, the fear that keeping them together may harm my OTHER monkey, but what can I do? They are brothers and have been together all their lives.

I don't have the heart to separate them even if there are takers for the sickly monkey. This is where most people do not understand me. They don't get how I can devote myself to "just an animal". A friend commented that to understand me, one must understand my monkeys. Well, they must know that my monkeys come first, no matter what.

So in the nightmare, I was crying so hard. My poor monkey was in seizure and he was so pathetic looking I thought I would lose him.

Recently, this monkey has me so stressed. He's not in the best of health. Maybe that bout of stressed triggered this nightmare. I don't know. I hope this is only what it is: a nightmare.

The Dream Series:
Dream Diary - 01
Dream Diary - 02
Dream Diary - 03 ~ Shit! Why Suddenly Dream of Her Wan?
Dream Diary - 04 ~ Another Disturbing Dream
Dream Diary - 05 ~ Another Night, Another Nightmare


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