Dream Diary - 04 ~ Another Disturbing Dream | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Dream Diary - 04 ~ Another Disturbing Dream

Parts of it are still fresh in my mind, some are too vague to recall.

One part, I dreamt of a black dog, who was fine one minute and then suddenly, all the fur started to turn white, like instantly growing old before my eyes, and then it became so weak and couldn't even stand up.

And then in my heart, I knew that it was going to die soon. I was distraught and started to cry.

On the second part, I dreamt that I was with a guy, I was supposed to marry this guy so I think he was my boyfriend (in the dream).

Anyway, suddenly, a Siamese Buddhist monk was cruising the roads in an old Mercedes Benz, with a Buddha idol on a long stick, and this stick was poking out from the sunroof of the car.

And, it seemed that this monk was searching for my boyfriend, and so my boyfriend ran, and I had to run along as well, to hide.

We ran and ran, up and down many stairs, and it was a scary feeling as if someone was chasing us to kill us.

Then we came to our hideout, which was a small room somewhere in a building, which I did not recognise. I don't really know if it was a room upstairs or if it was underground. The stairs seemed endlessly up and down.

And then I woke up.

The werid thing is that, a few days ago, a Siamese monk, who really drives a Mercedes Benz, has moved into a house near mine.

Maybe my mind mixed up real life with dream world.

The Dream Series:
Dream Diary - 01
Dream Diary - 02
Dream Diary - 03 ~ Shit! Why Suddenly Dream of Her Wan?


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