Dream Diary - 05 ~ Another Night, Another Nightmare | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Monday, September 04, 2006

Dream Diary - 05 ~ Another Night, Another Nightmare

Went to bed at 2.30am and was startled by a fierce dream by 3am. Not the ghostly type, or the violent type, just damn scary, so real that I thought it was really happening. Thank God I woke up and realised it's just a dream after all.

No doubt, something like that in my nightmare could happen for real, but I don't want to ever face that kinda situation. I dare not write about it in case it happens to the person close to me. I don't think I can handle it.

Needless to say, the rest of the night, or shall I say morning, was lousy. Hardly slept at all. And then I spent the better part of the day praying and hoping that my nightmare was just that ... a nightmare, and nothing more.

The Dream Series:
Dream Diary - 01
Dream Diary - 02
Dream Diary - 03 ~ Shit! Why Suddenly Dream of Her Wan?
Dream Diary - 04 ~ Another Disturbing Dream


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