Six Random Strange Facts About the Anonymous Crap Sheeter | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Six Random Strange Facts About the Anonymous Crap Sheeter

I've been tagged by ~TheAngel~ to do this meme. Thank you very much. And once again, I apologise to _butt for failing to take up her challenge of writing a Merdeka Puisi. I really throw in my towel for that!

In this meme, I'm supposed to write six random facts about myself, the Anonymous Crap Sheeter.

So here goes and do not be shocked:

1. She can't ride a bicycle or a motorcycle, swim or drive a car. It's a wonder she can even WALK.

2. She was a school bully who bullied other students and fought with teachers.

3. Maybe because of that bad karma (#2), she is a college dropout, if you consider one month in college as "College".

4. Once thought that her family is normal, until a friend pointed out that her family is the weirdest of weird, worse than "The Adamm's Family".

5. Friends mean alot to her because family is shit. (The Adamm's Family, remember?)

6. She does not have a favourite ANYTHING.

Bonus fact:
She has NEVER eaten McDonald's before.

I'm supposed to tag six people, but I'd leave this option open to anyone who reads this and would like to do this. Please drop me a comment if you're doing it, so that I can go and read.

Thank you for reading, I'm not sure if anyone's interested to know these facts about me!


_butt said...

no worries :)

hey, guess wut.. we have something in common in point 1.. all except driving a car.. *hehe*

well, not every family's the same.. which is why we stick together as one.. as family!! and it's actually a good thing to not eat anything McDonald before.. fast foods are never healthy anyway.

Em said...

You really know how to make someone feel "normal" =). Thank you.

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