Got A Scare | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Friday, August 03, 2007

Got A Scare

I just had a discussion with my friend about buying a laptop and digital camera. As you know, I am of two minds. Should I or should I not splurge on them? My friend told me to BUY if I NEED them or else forget about it. He says that once the items are paid for, they are already OBSOLETE.

Wah... so fast meh??

He said that IF I were to buy a 42" plasma TV now, and IF I wanted to return it tomorrow, the shop would tell me that they have a NEW 56" plasma TV which I can buy at the price of my 42" or even cheaper!

EEEekkk that's terrible.

He also told me that he signed up for a Streamyx package at MYR77 per month for the Standard Basic 512 MB package on 28th July, 2007. AND you know what? A few days later, he read in the papers that TM will be having a promotion in conjunction with PC Fair and new subscribers beginning 1st August, 2007, will be able to subscribe to Streamyx at MYR77 per month for a 1GB line. If that did not induce a heart attack, then get this: A new modem is given FREE OF CHARGE! My poor friend had to buy his own *sob* *sob*


Anonymous said...

The Streamyx thing is not comparable to other tech stuffs as it always trying to promote it that time, maybe yourfriend is just in good luck.

I don't think other tech stuffs will just go obsolete in one day's time. Maybe one month or two...

Em said...

Hey Yee Piao,

You mean my friend bad luck, right? LOL

I know what you mean about not being fair to compare them, but it's true that once the payment is made and the item is registred with a new owner, then the value has dropped. It goes for every thing, except real estate.

_butt said...

one's day time?? a bit too kua cheong leh... :p

have a great weekend!


Em said...

_butt, thanks for coming by.

You know, it’s not really exaggeration when it comes to technology, unless you are in the loop and really know what’s going to be released soon. All these PC Fair promotions are actually stock clearance in anticipation of new models being launched by tech companies.

It depends on the timing, I guess. If we are want the latest so that it won’t go obsolete so soon then we have to be prepared to pay premium for it.

That’s why I am so reluctant to invest into electronic products because we can never keep up!

May you have a great weekend as well!

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