Screamyx! | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Friday, August 03, 2007


For the past couple of days, Streamyx has been driving me nuts. AGAIN! I don't know if this is only affecting me or my area. You see, living in an old neighbourhood, my telephone cables are almost as old as I am and I have been told, these will not help with the already overloaded Streamyx bandwidth.

So for these couple of days, I can't even access half the websites without having to refresh for at least a couple of times. Haihh so sien, surf also no mood. Blog also must make sure that I have already copied my post first before hitting the publish button just in case I get an error message returned.

Bah... this is mood killing lehhh! Why have the million Ringgit contest when they have better use of the money beefing up their service?

P/S: I saw a car with a registration number WEB XXXX. Since I practically live online, I think if I ever get a car, I'd go for a license plate with WEB or NET


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