World Class Online Tutoring | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Friday, August 03, 2007

World Class Online Tutoring

The other day, I wrote a post about private tutoring and a blog reader told me about Tutor Vista, world class online tutoring. Boy, I wish there was something like that during my time! Maybe I wouldn't have failed Math, then!

Tutor Vista has a special one day offer where students have to pay only $24.99 for the first month of online tutoring for an unlimited number of subjects. Well, if you are weak in History or Geography, Economics or any of the Science subjects, or just about ANY subject at all, you better grab this deal!

What I find useful is the tutoring on demand. Can you imagine getting online to study and you will have an online tutor to guide you in your homework. Well, this is part of the service that is being offered by Tutor Vista. I remember how awful it is to seek homework help after school when parents, siblings and friends are all unable to help, especially with difficult subjects like Calculus!

Although I may be overage now, I think this is a very useful site for students, especially those who will be sitting for an exam. I still get the shivers just mentioning exams!


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