I'm Quite The Perfectionist | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Saturday, September 15, 2007

I'm Quite The Perfectionist

I finally set up to moblog on the go from my mobile device after getting it for three months. I have always meant to do so but have not gotten around to it as I have been too busy blogging.

How this works is that I can compose a post and send it to a special email address that would then post my article on my blog. The thing is, though, I am quite the perfectionist that I would want to check my spelling first, making sure that I have dotted my Is and crossed my Ts. And I would want to make sure that every sentence starts with a capital letter and that there is a space after a full stop.

And then I would like to make sure that my font is set to Verdana and that the paragraphs are aligned justify.

And there is no way I can do that if I were to send an email to my blog. So the next best thing is to send an email to my blog, but to have it saved in my Draft folder. Since getting my phone, I have been composing some of my blog posts. What I did was to send an email to myself and when I have access to my desktop computer, I will copy my email over to the draft folder of my blog after checking my spelling and formatting my post.

I guess the difference between the two methods above is the destination.


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