Trying Goji Berries | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Trying Goji Berries

My friend, Trent, has just been warned by his doctor that his cholesterol level is slightly higher than normal According to the doctor, if Trent is not able to manage the cholesterol by himself and bring it down soon, he would have to be put on medication. I understand Trent's anxiety as once a person is on medication for cholesterol, it would be long term.

I told Trent that he should cut down intake of oily food and drink more Chinese tea. Also, perhaps he should try taking Goji Berries. I have read that Goji berries and Goji Berry Juice have been known to cure ailments due to its high anti-oxidants. I am not sure how this would help with Trent's cholesterol level but I figured it would cause him no further harm but in fact, improve on his general health.

Despite the popularity of Goji berries, Trent has not heard of it before but he said he is willing to try anything natural over taking western medication. But of course!


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