Cutting Back On Dramas & Games | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Cutting Back On Dramas & Games

Now that Snoopy is no longer here, I really should get back to work. Somehow, I can't seem to recoup my energy though, and I am still feeling lethargic and empty. I think that I have over strained myself from all the late nights, sometimes even almost no nights.

But I know that I really should cut back on the time spent chasing dramas and playing online games. I am in the midst of watching an older TVB drama called "The Ultimate Crime Fighter" where Kevin Cheng has a supporting role. There are 33 episodes in this drama and I still have five more episodes to go but once I am done with this, I really should stop and get real work done.

I am already spending less time playing online games on Facebook but still am not able to wean myself off the games completely yet. I can do it, I know, just like I have stopped playing Pet Society already. But I think that no matter how I want to stop, I would still run Restaurant City in the background. I would still collect my daily bonus ingredient and answer the daily food quiz.

The other game that I will continue playing would be Mafia Wars. I have actually already completed the game and waiting for the release of Mafia Wars Bangkok so there's really nothing much to play now.

Anyway, this is going to be my New Year's resolution. I hope that I will be able to spend my time more constructively.


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