My First Facial | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Thursday, January 14, 2010

My First Facial

I had my first facial a couple of days ago at a salon near my house. It was not that expensive and not that cheap either. I guess it was an OK experience. I thought that I have rather poor skin but the beautician told me that she has come across people who suffer from even poorer complexion. She even thought that I don't have an acne problem!

Actually, I did have an acne problem but am lucky to have been introduced to a best acne treatment by a doctor. Now, my skin is so much better. Of course, I still have acne scars but it's better than having to bare with painful red spots all over my face.

Anyway, my mother says she too would like to go for a facial but she says she needs a better package than what i had, due to her age. Well, I guess I will discuss with my sister and split the cost.


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