Yerrrr... No More Boots | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Yerrrr... No More Boots

Just now I went to the shopping mall in slippers as I wanted to buy the pair of Alain Delon boots. Normally, I don't wear slippers out but since I wanted to buy shoes, it's more convenient. I also don't like to take off my shoes in public, that's why I did not buy the boots the other day. Also, at MYR96, I really needed a few days to think it over.

So I went for the boots just now and it was missing! I was told that they have placed those Alain Delon shoes at the usual place and not in the Shoe Fair area. So I went to the original place and I saw the boots, selling at a discount price of 20% BUT the normal price is now MYR199. The other day, it was only MYR119.90! Yeerrr.. now the difference is about MYR60. Sh!t la, with that money, I could but a second pair of shoes already!

But I still went to try out the boots, just to convince myself how uncomfortable they are. Yes, THEY ARE NO GOOD. THEY ARE NOT SOMETHING THAT I WANT TO WEAR.


I sure sound fake. Bah!


Anonymous said...

lol.. maybe you could find some other better boots next week =)

Em said...

Hi Kaklong!

Thanks for dropping by! Yes, hopefully, I will find a better pair of shoes! But I am so fussy :p

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