Free Quizzes, Surveys & Tests Widgets For MySpace | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Free Quizzes, Surveys & Tests Widgets For MySpace

This morning, I logged into my Quibblo account as I received a new friend request. I have to admit I haven't been to Quibblo for quite some months and was surprised to see a whole range of new MySpace quizzes, polls, surveys and tests. I love doing these quizzes and have found them to be rather accurate, believe it or not!

If you have a MySpace account, and I am sure MOST of us do, you can place a quiz widget on your MySpace page so that your friends can take these quizzes on Quibblo. Upon completing the test, they will be given a code where they can embed on their site or blog, like I always do.

Check out Quibblo to see what quizzes and tests are the most popular. They are all free and provide great value to your friends and readers. I have friends compare results with me hehehe!


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