My Celcom Bill So High! | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

My Celcom Bill So High!

A couple of days ago, I received my Celcom bill and got a shock. I did not know that I have sent out a few hundred SMS messages last month *guilty* I know my volume has remained the same as when I was using prepaid but now that I am on postpaid plan, I am shown my usage in black and white and it is shocking.

I told my friend, I don't want to SMS him anymore! Let's Fring! We both have unlimited data plans and it would save a lot of SMS money. I Instango and AIM with Paul and at least that cut down my MYR0.50 per SMS message. The bad thing though, is that when we log in to the data line the whole day, it drains the battery.

The other day, I was online from 12 noon to 8pm and three bars of my battery was used. Can you believe it?
To think that my bill is this high despite having already paid an advance payment MYR50 per month for 13 months! The bill will surely skyrocket in the next year if I do not cut down on my usage. No eye see!

The only thing I am relieved is that I am not wrongly billed for my 3G usage and I always forget to log out of the internet sumore. I have heard a lot of horror stories and am glad that I am not facing those problems!


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