Postmodern Library Book Set | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Postmodern Library Book Set

If you remember, I thought I'd give my friend a book gift for his birthday, I know it has passed but we have yet to get together t celebrate. So I was surfing for book titles and stumbled upon the Postmodern Library online store.

Coincidentally, Postmodern Library has a new arrival, a book set comprising six books selling at an introductory price of $25 only, or individual titles at $5. I believe this set makes an ideal gift and the price is a steal!

Postmodern Library carries books with current issues, trends and pop culture and the books are designed to fit our lifestyle. They are light to carry and suitable to be read anywhere we have the chance to have a seat. Also, the colors are sure to get a second glance. Check out the images here.

I think I have found THE gift for my friend. He loves books and this book set would be ideal!


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