So Bad | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

So Bad

Last evening, I received a call from my friend who asked me to go yum cha. I asked him what was the occasion since I do not like last minute appointments and I have work scheduled already, and if without occasion, then I also don't want to go out with him lah. What for?

Then he told me that he will be migrating to Melbourne in early 2008. Yerrr so bad wan leave me alone here. I know that he has been traveling to and fro Australia and England but then this time, he will be settling there for good or his Permanent Residency will expire and will not be renewed. So he doesn't have a choice either or his sister, the sponsor, and his family will be disappointed.

While I am happy that he has an opportunity to start afresh in life in Melbourne, it is quite sad to "lose" a friend. We don't even know if we will have a chance to meet again in the near future. Melbourne may not be far but it's not cheap either and then once work commitments set in, it's not easy to travel as he likes.

So I guess from now until he leaves, I have to set aside as much time as possible to yum cha with him lah, what else can I do? *sigh*


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