Be Prepared Always | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Monday, August 06, 2007

Be Prepared Always

This morning, I read in a lady's blog that her tornado alarm went off and she panicked and rushed the whole family down to the basement while some other family members did not take the warning seriously.

For my household, my father was a King scout we are always prepared. We HOPE we are but we cant be too sure how good our
disaster preparedness is until we are tested. Some time back, many of my friends were caught unaware by the tsunami and although they all survived the scare, they were not prepared for any such disaster at all but after that episode, many have stocked up their home with a disaster kit.

Just now, I stumbled upon
"Refuge" blog which discusses the crises that we have to face and how to prepare for them. While these are things that we do not want to think about at all, it is something that we should be 100% prepared for, should something bad happen.

SafeCastle, the website who owns the blog, has a lifetime membership of only $19. Members of the discount club will get to purchase
safety products at a hefty discount of 20 -30%. This is really worth a hundred times the one-time fee of $19!

I think that every family, whether they have boy scout training or not, should be prepared for local disasters, especially people who like in areas that are prone to natural disasters. We should be all the more alert no thanks to terrorist threats!


THE ANiTOKiD said...

"every family, whether they have boy scout training or not, should be prepared for local disasters..." hear hear! Very true! And prayer helps too, my friend.

Em said...

Hi AnitoKid!

Thanks for coming by. You are right of course. There's something known as the power of prayer. I do say my prayers every day, for good health and peace!

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