All Those Rape Cases | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Monday, August 06, 2007

All Those Rape Cases

Despite not reading the newspapers, I am still in the loop of what's happening around the country thanks to the feed I have installed at the top of my blog. Can you believe that I am using it as my main source of local news?

However, I am very disturbed that almost every other news headline is about a rape or murder case and in most instances, rape-cum-murder. It is very disturbing even though I do not know these victims personally but to know that humankind has reached this deplorable state, I wonder if there is anymore hope.

A long time ago, I had a chat with a respectable man in my hometown. He told me that there is a very weird trend in Malaysia. From his observation, once there is a crime, you can expect similar crimes happening for the next few weeks and they will all be reported in the papers. I don't know if they are copy cats or what. Maybe the media just got stuck in a certain mode?

If they are stuck then I hope that come unstuck as soon as possible. I am sick of reading such heinous crimes.


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