South Florida Real Estate Today | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Monday, August 06, 2007

South Florida Real Estate Today

As I was blog hopping just now, I came upon South Florida Real Estate Today, a real estate blog. I normally am not interested in real estate because I cannot afford to invest into any at the moment, I decided to read this blog because my friend, Markus, has property in Miami and Marco Island in Florida.

South Florida Real Estate Today is a blog written by Mr. Robert Brutus. He is a Realty World Sales Associate backed by years of experience in the real estate market, especially in the greater Miami-Dade area.

While I find the blog very informative, I wish that Mr. Brutus would write longer blog posts for every entry. Most of the posts that I read are about 50-word posts. Although short posts are easy to digest, I personally feel that posts with 100 - 150 would bring better value to readers. In fact, I recently, wrote a post with the title, What is the value of a 3 - 5 line post?

However, I do understand that Mr. Brutus is a very busy man, educating the community on home ownership, loans and mortgages and Florida real estate.

Also, after surfing to the archives of the blog, I could not go back to the homepage because the blog does not have a clickable header. I am not sure if this is the default Blogger feature, since mine is clickable but then I have a different layout. Anyway, it would be great if Mr Brutus will make the slight change of making the header clickable so that it will be more friendly for browsers.

Happy Blogging, Mr. Brutus!


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