Fring, Fringgggggggggg | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Fring, Fringgggggggggg

Well, new phone, new toy! I spent the better part of the night trying out this cool program called Fring. I am sure all who has 3G on their phones will surely have tried it. My friend, although has been using 3G for half a year already, has just gotten it installed because I kept bugging him to because I wanted to test it out with someone and he is the only one I know who has unlimited 3G.

Paul used to ask me if I know of a program that would allow people to make calls without paying because it is too expensive to call me from New York regularly. Free calls? Now I know and the answer lies in Fring! I would be telling him about Fring if he is not so low tech! I believe his SideKick would be compatible!

The concept is cool but unfortunately, my friend says that the 3G signal in my area is screwed. I do know that because I can't f**ing get online using my device as a modem. That is why I am so disappointed! The phone and the 3G line are not working as expected *sigh*

I have wasted money! And I really hate that thought!


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