Vote For Your Fave Celebrity News | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Vote For Your Fave Celebrity News

Look what I found! It's an awesome entertainment gossip news site with a difference. I really love the layout of the site. Take a look! It's in PINK, my favorite color!

You know how sometimes I have too much time on my hands that I love to pack in some celebrity gossip? This is a great site t have my daily dose of that.

This is not your average entertainment site where one reads and leave but the site aggregates all the hottest celebrity news and we are supposed to vote for the news that are hot and not so hot. Registration is required to cast a vote or leave a comment but membership is free so what is there to lose?

Surfing and reading is a real breeze. I like it that I could easily jump to related articles on a particular celebrity thanks to the Related Chatter feature.

If you are like me who needs to know what is going on with each celebrity, hop over to There is plenty for us to be nosy about there!


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