My Form One Best Friend | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

My Form One Best Friend

The other night, I suddenly dreamt of my old Form One best friend. I have lost touch with her for the longest time and I don't even know why she appeared in my dreams. Was there something she wanted to convey to me?

The last I heard of her was right after Form Five where she went to Australia to study. Well, she may be my best friend in Form One but we were assigned to different classes in Form Two, since she is one smart girl and went to the top class to study while I stayed back at the mediocre class *sigh*

We did not get to spend that much time after that because we then had our own group of friends. It is kind of regretful. It came to the point where it was awkward to even greet each other when we past each other in school.

Somehow, we wrote to each other when she was in Australia but I never found out what course she took up. As you know, I never went to college and I have this hang up about not having a tertiary education so I never discuss that with people, even former best friends.

So after my dream, I tried to Google her name. It were three search results only but there was nothing to determine if these three are my old best friend. Do you sometimes Google your friends' names? I do. It really is surprising the things that pop up!


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