Yerrr I Am So Dumb | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Yerrr I Am So Dumb

About three weeks ago, I wanted to watch a movie on my computer there was no audio coming out from my headphone so I thought it went dead. I always use headphones by the way, although I have speakers. So I thought to myself, "Wah cheap thingy so fast rosak wan.... never use also can rosak!"

Since it's not urgent, I waited for PC Fair, as mentioned in a previous post. This is because during the last PC Fair, I saw many good multimedia headphones selling at MYR10 each only. That is quite cheap compared to what the shops are selling on ordinary days.

So I went last evening and walked one round but the vendors are no longer promoting multimedia headphones and certainly there were no MYR10 headphones. By the way, did you notice that vendors all promote the same thing each PC Fair? At the previous fair, almost all of them were reducing prices for printers, headphones and DVR-RW.

Anyway, I found a vendor that was selling one at MYR8, which is cheap since this was selling below the price I was prepared to pay (MYR10). I bought it and when I reached home and plug it to the back of my CPU, I discovered that the cable of my current headphone was lose. Arrghh no wonder no audio lah.

You say I dumb or not? So now I have a spare one. And I discovered that it is SO CHEAP because it does not have a volume control. Cheh. Bluff me wan. Anyway, luckily it is WORKING. I was not allowed to test it at the PC Fair since it's a cheapo item only lol

This reminds me that in the past when I complain to my friend that my things aren't working, my friend would ask me if my cables are plugged in properly, and I always reply, "You think I'm so stupid ahhh???"

So now this episode confirms that I am really stupid hahahaha


Anonymous said...

Sometimes the basic things makes the miracle...

Em said...

Hi Yee Piao,

Thanks for coming by! Really appreciate it.

You know what, I took the quiz that says I have below average logical intelligence. I am starting to believe it!

Anonymous said...

Don't brand yourself that way, sometimes it's just sheer carelessness.

Em said...

Hi Yee Piao,

It's just "Logical" intelligence and not the overall IQ LOL

You know what, I find that for one so young, you are a really smart guy. I have many young friends, and even older friends, who are still wasting their life away.

Anonymous said...

Don't praise me, or else this place will be full of my arrogance. Lolz...

People are smart, sometimes cunning, just that they don't show it out (most cunning).

Three comments for one post. I never comment that much unless it's my post. :-P

Em said...

I also never comment that many times in my OWN POST LOL

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