TM's Stupidity | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Sunday, June 10, 2007

TM's Stupidity

One morning recently, I took time off work and went to TM's office with my mother. You may recall that I am trying to get at least one utility bill under my own name and address so that I could use it to verify my home address because it is required by the company that I am applying a service for.

So, I decided I'd get my telephone and Streamyx bills changed to my own particulars since I also need the Streamyx bill to be eligible for Celcom 3G's package of MYR88 per month that is exclusively for Streamyx subscribers.

So when I went to take my queue number, I asked the clerk if I could change my telephone and Streamyx bills (we are still receiving TWO bills right now but they will be integrating both charges into ONE bill soon), she told me that I could change my telephone bill to a new owner but not the Streamyx.

Anyway, after more than 30 minutes of waiting, it was finally my turn. This clerk told me that to change my telephone bill AND Streamyx bill, I would have to terminate my mother's Streamyx account and then resubscribe under my own name in order to process the change of ownership for the telephone number.

The thing is that Streamyx is only for people with a Telekom fixed phone line so if it is changed to my name, it means that my mother is no longer a Telekom fixed phone line subscriber and that means her Streamyx account will also be terminated.

As you know, if I were to terminate Streamyx and reapply, it would take at least one to two weeks and I CANNOT afford to have NO internet access for that duration of time, not for one day, definitely not for one to two weeks.

After wasting the whole morning in TM's office, we came away without having achieved anything at all.

I still need a utility bill!

I still need a Streamyx bill or pay MYR11 extra every month for my subscription of Celcom 3G. I may not be a Streamyx subscriber but I am the user and I am the one who is paying the bill monthly!

I don't understand why something simple like changing names for the telephone line and Streamyx services could be so complex when these services are still being subscribed by the same household and the transfer of ownership is from Mother to Daughter.

Since we only have one house and one telephone line, I read that we are not allowed to subscribe to another fixed phone line and so we are not able to get a second Streamyx account. We will be forced to terminate one account to get another.

It is just plain stupidity when everything could just be settled from the database of customers itself. It doesn't take much to just change the subscribers names, does it?

So all because of TM's stupidity, I will have to waste another morning to get my Tenaga bill changed to my own name. And I would have to pay MYR99 per month for Celcom 3G. Gah!


Anonymous said...

Well, TM acts like that just because they are monopolising everything and you used every of their services.

Why not give Digi or Maxis a tryout for your 3G? Just my opinion though...

Em said...

Hi Yee Piao,

Thanks for your suggestion!

I have to use Celcom because my area only Celcom has strong signal. Maxis here is worse than dial-up. I tried it when my friend came to my hometown. I was ready to scream already because it was crawllling.

Also, my friend told me that Digi has no "EDGE" whatever that is.

And I am using Celcom prepaid which I will be converting to postpaid to subscribe to Celcom 3G. But now because I don't have a Streamyx bill under my own name & address, I have to pay RM99 per month instead of RM88 per month :-(

Anonymous said...

I see...
No wonder... But it's true that Digi don't have a 3G license, sorry for the wrong suggestion earlier.

You'll have to live through these tough circumstances then... Lolz

Em said...

yer so bad wan laugh at me :-(

_butt said...

DiGi has no EDGE? o_O omg!!

it's true. changing ownership should be made easy like changing mailing address and such.

afraid that you'll have to bear with it for a while.

Em said...

Hi _butt!

Thanks for coming by!

The EDGE thingy, my friend told me wan, I also not sure because I am not DiGi user ma.

I'm going to go for Celcom sooonn. Stay tuned! :D :D :D

Unknown said...

Ha ha ha... isnt that annoying how you need the utility bill in your name to prove your address? Just the other day I went to the library to get a library card to use the internet. They told me that I need a utility bill in my name to get the card. What happened to just showing your ID?? I mean my address is on there.

How is it that minors get library cards?? Good grief!

Em said...

Hi Kahealani!

Thanks for your comment! Yes, it just sucks, but much as I thought that it was bad, you shoudl read about worse things with the elecrticity and the water boards when I went to try to change the bills to my name. Horrible!

I told my parents that if I can't get any dang bill under my name without all the hassle, I might as well BUY A HOUSE!

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