Utility Bill Woes | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Utility Bill Woes

I have to urgently open an account with a financial institution this week but they need me to supply supporting documents for verification purposes. I have MyKad and Driver's License but I do not have utility bill.

The problem is that not only is the bill NOT in my name but the bill isn't in my home address. They are all in either of my parent's names and the address, although it's the same house, is not the same address.

Although I have been told that I could send in utility bills that are in my parent's name, I would need the addresses to match. How could I explain that this is the one and only house?

Aiyoh... now I would need to go and get the bills transferred into my name and my address which is a waste of time. Didn't I say I need them URGENTLY?

Now don't know need to delay till when. After change the personal particulars, need to wait at least another month for the bill to arrive. Haih.. lecehnya!


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