Being Responsible With Credit Cards | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Being Responsible With Credit Cards

I asked my friend, Warren, about his Credit Card and he asked me why do I want to know. I just wanted to compare our cards but he knows that I am not someone who should have a credit card in case I shop compulsively online. Last time, when I first applied for my card and consulted him on which is good for me, he only had one advice for me and it was, "Pay your credit card – or else!"

He also asked me to read the article on how
Shopaholic Brits rack up credit card debt. He asked me if I wanted to be like them? Of course not. I will be very responsible with my credit card, I swear!

So far, I have no been tempted by freebies or rewards that come with swiping a certain amount from the credit card. Phew!


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