$5 T-Shirts | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

$5 T-Shirts

I was chatting with my friend that I bought a $20 t-shirt in the name of charity. I told him that I normally only buy $5 t-shirts so $20 a t-shirt is like SO expensive for me. It is not like I can't afford it but I think for a t-shirt to be anything more than $10 is not worth it.

However, like I said, this is charity, so it is OK.

My friend asked me if $5 t-shirts are from pasar malam. No wor. Pasar malam also cannot find $5 t-shirts. Even if there are any, the quality is a little short. Don't you agree?

Just the other day, I bought so many $5 t-shirts from the MALL and branded some more. Why can't good stuff be cheap? A t-shirt is a t-shirt is a t-shirt. Any money you paid extra is just for the brand name.

On the other hand, there were two John Master shirts that I saw. One was double the price of the other. Without taking the price into consideration, I liked the cheap one better. To me, the quality was better for the cheaper shirt. I guess most people would think that since one is so much more expensive than the other, it must be better but if you are a discerning shopper like me, you will look deeper than just the price tag.

But I guess it all just boils down to personal preference. Maybe I'm weird :-D


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