Educating Ourselves On Menopause, Its Symptoms & Remedies | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Friday, May 25, 2007

Educating Ourselves On Menopause, Its Symptoms & Remedies

I always think that being female is a form of punishment. If I have a choice, I would rather be a man. Why do we have to suffer from menstruation every month? Some of my friends are in real pain during their menses that they can't even go to school or work. Some others, very few, though, live life normally during their period with no sign of discomfort at all.

Older women, on the other hand, have to go through menopause. I don't have to experience it myself to know the menopause symptoms and associated problems. Just look at my mom! The change from perimenopuse to post-menopause is a very uncomfortable journey in a woman's life to say the least.

I tried to search for more information for her and also educate myself so that I don't have to go through the same things when I am older. Since we were looking for a natural menopause remedy and alternative menopause treatments, there was not much information on the internet until I discovered Menopause A to Z - The Definitive Guide to Modern Menopause.

This eBook, at $17.77 and comes with three bonus ebooks on menopause, is a wealth of information. I think this book should be every woman's companion no matter her age because all of us will go through menopause one day. It is daunting but it is part and parcel of the aging process. Why not equip ourselves with the knowledge first so that we can better handle the situation when it comes?


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