Be Proactive - Take Control | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Friday, May 25, 2007

Be Proactive - Take Control

Have you ever come across people who tell you that they want to be this or that, do this or that but never gotten around to do it? These are the people who like to complain about things but never find a solution for it because it is leceh?

I am sure most of us have friends who are like that. I am like that sometimes as well but only when I want to gain some sympathy from certain people hehehe but when I am out of my self-pity, I look at the matter at hand and DO IT.

I feel that if you want to do something, just go ahead and DO IT because if you do not, time will not wait for you the matter will not be done because you only have yourself to depend on.

I have a friend whom I envy for his freedom. His time is entirely his own because he works for himself and yet earns enough to get that little extras in life. He can travel to anywhere that he wants to but it's kind of lonely to travel alone while his friends have to slog it out at the office. But the point I'm trying to make is do not self-sabotage and you will be opening a lot more opportunities for yourself.


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