Gone Old School | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Monday, August 28, 2006

Gone Old School

I used to think "This fella something wrong lah" when a friend told me that he loops one song on his player over and over again the whole day! And that song, Graham Gouldman's "Love's Not For Me", the soundtrack for Animalympics is not that special pun. At least I dont think so lah. Why doesn't he get bored wan??

Actually, he seached for it a looooong time ago and couldn't find it, until I came to his rescue. He was so appreciative. He says it sums up his life perfectly. Sigh ~ he is a diamond bachelor, after all.

But then, God save me, now there's something wrong WITH ME! For the past two days, I keep listening to Bay City Roller's "The Way I Feel Tonight" only. Don't know why I can't get enough of it.

The Way I Feel Tonight - Bay City Roller's

Turn the music way down low
Let me see you in the glow
In the fire light you are shining
Though it's much too soon to know
If this love I feel will grow
Let's take tonight to start out finding

I think this song makes good karaoke material but too bad I don't go to karaoke. TOO BAD, indeed.

A friend was shocked when I told him I like romantic songs like the three Korean songs that I previously looped. He says I'm not romantic enough. HELLO! I may not LOOK romantic, but I'm romantic at heart lerrrr

Related post:
3 Songs I'm Currently Looping


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