Which Malaysian Blogger Am I? | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Which Malaysian Blogger Am I?

Congratulations Anonymous Crap Sheeter! You are...

minishorts of minishorts.net

1. You are outgoing, direct, smart, pretty, and a definite go-getter.
2. You are frank, a little too frank perhaps that sometimes you get on people's nerves and make them very upset.
3. If people attack you, you hit back with triple the force without blinking because you are the kind of person who knows exactly what you are talking about or else you wouldn't talk about it.
4. Your quick-thinking is what makes you special.
5. You are an elitist.

Which Malaysian Blogger Are You?

My take:
1. I'm an introvert, direct, not so smart, not so pretty and definitely not a go-getter.

2. Hahaha this is correct, frank & blunt, nobody wants my honest opinion :-p

3. Correct, stood up countless times for the class until teachers hate me cos I always had a good comeback line :-)

4. Quick thinking only once in a blue moon. Most of the time I'm blur thanks to my zombified state of mind.

5. Need to check up on the dictionary :-)


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