"Must Love Dogs" | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

"Must Love Dogs"

Image courtesy of Warner Bros.

I don't know how many of us here in Malaysia even heard of this 2005 movie. I didn't, before laying my hands on a copy of this movie, on loan. I don't remember if local cinemas screened this movie or not. Anyway, when I saw this cover, with the Newfoundland doggie, I know I just gotta watch it, and it's rated as a comedy, so there was nothing to lose.

I don't know why, recently I watched quite a number of John Cusack movies, and also Colin Firth, not that they are handsome or particularly great actors, or anything, it's just bloody coincidence. BAH!

This movie may be rated as a comedy but it's not the type that makes one go hahahahaha. It only brought out a chuckle from me every 20 minutes or so. It's not the kinda movie that mind f****. And it's not the kinda movie that makes one go WAHHH. It does not impress and does not leave a great impression.

In short, this is the type of movie that you can watch, or can DON'T watch. UNLESS you like dogs a lot, like me.

I didn't appreciate the scene where these two forty-somethings drove around town looking for a condom. It's sooo juvenile. And makes me think of Sam Shik in My Name Is Kim Sam Soon. But Sam Shik is cute, John Cusack is not.

This movie also portrays men as looking to get laid on the 1st & 2nd dates. ARE men REALLY like that in real life, or only in Hollywood? The mind boggles!

The only things that I'll remember from this movie next month will be the dogs, the dogs and the dogs. And also something about using PE food wrapper as a substitute for condoms.

Now kids, don't try this at home!


Just Sharlene and the Spice Cats said...

I heard about this movie but didnt get to watch. So it does have lots of dogs in it. Enough for me to watch! Let's see if Fitness First have this movie in store.

Em said...

the angel

I'll do the meme soon =)

just sharlene

There are only lots of dogs at the end of the movie, but the two lead dogs are very endearing.

If, like me, you like dogs, "The Shaggy Dog" is a more entertaining movie.

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