Whheeee Fat4 Pimped My Blog Today | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Monday, July 17, 2006

Whheeee Fat4 Pimped My Blog Today

Today, Fat4 of The World of Fat4 pimped my blog. Some of his readers visited my humble blog. I am so paiseh but at the same time, honoured. Hope you guys found some entertainment here, though. By the way, sorry for the big-ass header image. I dunno how to make it smaller. Maybe some slimming pills would help, but they damage liver wor. So gotta live with it.

Anyway, today's post will be random ramblings, thoughts will be flying here and there, so be warned.

Firstly, I'd like to correct Fat4, who said I complained of being insignificant. I corrected him earlier, but he still didn't get it :-/ I WANT to remain insignificant. It's a choice. I was brought up thinking that the world is a piece of twisted shit and all the bad-asses in the world are out to get people by the name of XXX (my name). OK, so I got that line from Howie of
The Benchwarmers, which I watched last night. Movie reviewers said it's one of those a-laugh-a-minute kinda movie, but I didn't laugh so much pun. Not easy to make me laugh, you know :-)

But you get my drift about the bad-asses of the world .....

By the way, I think Fat4 should go watch
Big Momma's House II. In one scene, Big Momma was in a yellow swimsuit running along the beach. WHOAAA the lump of fat boucing up and down. eeeeeeeee gross-nya! Worse than Fat4's header image!!

Don't get me wrong. I'm not against fat people. I also have my share of fat and unfortunately, they have deposited in all the wrong places. Maybe some more on the chest would be good :-)

Because the fat are in all the wrong places, it's so tough for me to buy clothes. I recently went to a sale, and Diesel and B.U.M. pants and skirts were selling at MYR10 each only *gasp* Unfortunately, Size S was too small, Size M was too large. Poor me :-/

I also have the same problem with shoes. My size? Freaking 6-1/2 Bahhhh! I have two choices. Either buy Size 6 and walk like I'm "growing mango between my legs" due to pain on my feet or buy Size 7 and walk like Ronald McDonald.

I also have a third choice, which is to get made-to-order shoes but where got marnee?

I know some biggie-sized people in real life. One of them is
the perpetual MSN nudger. I used to think biggie-sized people are "Jolly Rolly Pollys" but this perpetual MSN nudger has shown me that they can be ultra sensitive.

Once, for want of better things to chat about, I asked him if he has any nice emoticons to send me. So he sent some, which I didn't like at all and told him so. But he lectured that when people give me things, I should say "Thank You" and declared that I'm very ungrateful and likened me to his friend, whom he treated to meals many times, and each time after the meal, that friend would say that the food is not nice to eat at all.

Come on la, how can my dislike for the emoticons be compared to saying that the free food isn't delicious enough? If someone treated me to a meal, I'd thank him left, right and centre. But what's a few emoticons? It's not as if he created them himself. Like that also want to scold me yat charn :-/

That's why la, I keep declining his invitation to dine on roast duck at Tai Thong. So damn sensitive, being with him is like walking on glass.

I'm bone weary today. I'm carrying two large unbranded PVC bags under my eyes and I've got a huge red volcano on my nose, right in the middle! Awful!

This post is too jumbled, right? But I LIKEEEEEEEEE..... It's longggg.


rainbow angeles said...

Liu are actually a funny gurl but at times liu want something but liu do another thing *LOL*

Eg. Liu say liu WANNA be insignificant but then hor, liu ping PPS...

*angel not very understand*

But hey, it's ok wan... ;)

ps: Glad to know that ya "monkey" is getting better :)

_butt said...

Me oso like long post wan.. just nice :D

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