I'll Always Remain An Insignificant Blogger | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Thursday, July 13, 2006

I'll Always Remain An Insignificant Blogger

Because I do not camwhore and will never post my photos on my blog. My writing isn't even funny either, but that's another post for another day. Oh yeah, I don't know of any femes blogger to tumpang glamour. And only ONE person, besides myself, knows the real person behind this anonymous blog.

Anyway, I don't know how most people can post so many personal photos on the internet without a second thought until even people on the street can recognise them. I mean, we won't know if there are people sickos who saved our photos and do whatever to the photos, maybe TFK or something. Who knows?

I grew up in a really twisted environment and am totally aware of stuff like black magic, voodoo, charm and what-not. These are things we definitely were not taught at school, unless we're Harry Potter lah.

Being aware is one thing, taking precautions is another. Despite steps taken to protect my identity, I recently got to know a guy on the net, and he bladdy found out my home address by just knowing my full name. Scary, isn't it? And he isn't even a big-shot powerful connection-filled guy, just a student only maaa. Cisss


suanie said...

well, to each her own. there are the good, there are the bad. works both ways. stay anonymous if you think you will benefit from it later :D

Edmund Yeo said...

I can see it being kinda beneficial now, but I don't know what she'll get from it later by being anonymous. Unless the increasing level of mystery starts becoming one of the main draws of this particular blog. Hm.

Kamigoroshi said...

That can actually be a good thing. Someone once told me this, at the end of it, it isn't about the hits from what you do that matters. It's having people that respect you for what you write that matters.

Some of us take a long time to grow, some..grow fast, at the end of it, at least we do grow, and we kinda expect our frequent readers to start growing with us. That at least is a very good thing.

lingghezhi said...

lol.. anonymity rocks.

Btw that person would need to have access to someone's database or you may have registered that information somewhere for him to get it..

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