Blank Mind, Random, Jumbled Thoughts | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Blank Mind, Random, Jumbled Thoughts

I'm grounded, did not go out of the house since a week ago. Bored like hell, but it's not that I don't have stuff to do. I just am not in the right frame of mind to do them.

Wanted to watch leng chai in All In but no mood lah, sure won't enjoy it or could even concentrate. I have all 24 episodes, but haven't even started the 1st episode. Bahhhh Dare not start, cos once started, I'll chase after the drama like nobody's business.

Someone told me that
Lee Byung Hun is leng chai in All In, but I dont think so. I think I prefer the other guy lah. Think his name is Ji Sung. Not to say that Ji Sung is more leng chai than Lee Byung Hun lah, but I dunno lah, maybe I don't like twisted lips, or maybe I prefer chubby faced guys hehehe

Lee Byung Hun's face is not symmetrical and that makes him so "koo wark", which I don't like. And his darker complexion makes him all the more sinister. eeeeee don't like, don't like. Chubby and fair better IF compare the two of them hahaha

~*~ Lee Byung Hun & Ji Sung in All In ~*~

Haihhh I'm going crazy. How sane can I be when I'm trying to converse in Spanish with my friend via SMS? Imagine two Cantonese-speaking Chinese doing that! Luckily I have the internet to check up the words ... I dunno about him though! hahaha


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