Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures? | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures?

A friend in New York City sent me an SMS to let me know that he is all right. I didn't know what was up until I read in the news that a sick physician blew up his townhouse so that his estranged wife cannot get hold of it upon their divorce.

In his suicide attempt, he had injured 15 other people and he himself did not die but wasted taxpayers' money when he directed rescue workers to extricate him from the rubble, via his cell phone.

Oh my, how selfish can a man be? And an educated man no less. Desperate times call for desperate measures? Judge for yourself.

Sick physician's e-mail rantings

Here are excerpts from Dr. Nicholas Bartha's suicide e-mail, in which he bitterly tells of losing his family's home in Romania and rants against estranged wife, Cordula, co-workers and others. A copy of the e-mail was provided to the Daily News late last night by a law enforcement source:



My mother's death.

She was trying to get back our house in Rosia Montana, Romania, for years. She was told by her doctor not to go because of her condition. She was obsessed to get back our house a life's work, my parents had to pay up my father's brother and sister for their share of the inheritance. Now I understand why my mother was unsuccessful to get back our house. The Rosia Montana Mining Co. and companies from New Jersey and Canada planned to strip-mine for gold, and several villages including Rosia Montana had to be condemned to be strip-mined and to build a huge lake filled with cyanide to extract the gold from the strip mined ore. My mother who died in Rosia Montana was buried there. Now my mother and others from my family who were buried for centuries will be moved. If we had owned the house again which is in the middle of the village would have made it very difficult to implement their plan.


My brother died because his wife was able to divorce him with lies and help from N.Y.S., with help of the legal Aid Society, woman's shelters et cetera.

Now my brother is dead and his ex-wife is enjoying his house. I do not know why he worked all his life.

The same thing happened to me but I am still alive.


On 1-0/17/01 Cordula, [and daughters] Serena and Johanna left, a few days after the 9/11 disaster Cordula filed for divorce for mental cruelty. If one is a gold digger any lie will do. She never consulted a psychiatrist or priest or rabbi or marriage counselor!!!

She did it after I closed the joint account in which she never deposited any of her earnings and now she could not steal any longer money to send to her accounts in Holland. ...

[A judge] decided to evict me from the house for which my mother, father and myself worked and paid. My parents and I lost out for the second time, as in 1947 in Romania when the communists expropriated our house. ... In Harlem they would say my family's hard work was "Dissed."


I can understand if someone wants to divorce it should be easy. There should be no economic incentives in the process! The division of assets should be made, based on the contribution each person. There is no rational explanation for the present method. An automatic division is only giving more incentives to divorce. Cordula did not work for 15 years and still she is supposed to get more than 50%. When slowly she started to work I never saw her money it went to her personal account in a bank in Netherlands. ...

If I had had a prenuptial agreement Cordula would have never divorced, there would have been no economic incentive.


The anti-American politicians and others who are against the war in Iraq (the same people who [were] against the Vietnam war)... I hope they will succeed so that the terrorists will move to the states.

So people here will have a taste of suffering as when the East Europeans were given to the Russians by a very sick President Roosevelt at Yalta in 1945. ... I hope most of the country realizes whom Ms. H. Rodham Clinton is and will make sure she will never be a president unless they want to suffer the consequences. I wish President Bush had been at Yalta.


The legal system is corrupt, killed my brother and now I. I am not going to let anybody evict me as the communists did it in Romania, in 1947. ... I am not good material to be a slave I rebel easily.


Cordula my further staying alive does not make any sense. Work ... is pure punishment. I will lose my office. Getting sick even in the most optimal conditions is not easy. Alone is certainly terrible. ... Life passed me by and I could not achieve everything I planed.

I hope there will be a memorial built on the place in the memory of Eastern Europeans who were betrayed at Yalta by Pres. Roosevelt. There should be place for the Iraqi.

P.S. Fascism = Communism = Politically Correct.

All this political philosophies are based on minority rule over the majority. Unluckily I had experienced all three. The first not directly, only partially, indirectly.

P.S.#2. Ms Cindy Sheehan is desecrating her son's memory. ... She is an opportunist trying to be famous on the back of her son.

Originally published on July 11, 2006

Source: New York Daily News


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