The Agony of Uncertainty | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Monday, July 10, 2006

The Agony of Uncertainty

Have been totally stressed out mentally, physically and emotionally. The agony of uncertainty is really not easy to handle. What will happen next? How will it be? How will it affect me/us? The questions go on and on..........

It's like, we ALL know that one day our elders will leave us for the Other World, but when that happens, is it any easier to cope with and to accept its finality?

I did not sleep for 3 nights in a row. My friend said I sound so dead over the phone. Yeah, maybe I'm "dead". I have no mood to do anything at all. No mood for K-drama & movies. K what? :-/

I used to live on the internet, but nowadays, my PC may be on, but I'm NOT online, so don't wait for me on MSN!

And there are stupid friends who make me feel guilty for not replying to their e-mail. Go F yourself lah.

Some people who are in a stressed situation will eat non-stop but as for me, I cannot eat at all. I finished two sticks of Rolaids in two days, way beyond the recommended dosage of not more than 10 tablets per day.

Oh well, I only saw the instructions AFTER finishing them :( and on top of that, have been popping Zantac 75 and Actal like candy. Anything to keep gastric at bay. Anyway, I'm still alive as of now.

One spare tyre down, many more to go. It's time to make use of my resevoir of fat.


rainbow angeles said...

Hey, take good care of yourself, yeah?

*hug hug*

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