To Claim or To Repay? | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Sunday, July 09, 2006

To Claim or To Repay?

The other day, I was talking to a friend about how shitty life has been recently, and I feel unappreciated by certain quarters despite doing my best for them.

This friend told me that I'm forced to do all these shitty stuff to repay my debt to these people, my debt from past life/lives. He said we're the unlucky ones, whilst some lucky devils come into this world to claim.

Being a Buddhist myself, how can I forget such a thing like repayment of debt? I guess I was being too caught up feeling all negative over issues that are out of my control.

Suddenly, everything seems so clear now. Though I have no control over some issues and yet forced to see them through, I can change the way I feel towards things that happen around me.

Every day, I have two choices. I can choose to be in a good mood or I can choose to be in a bad mood. And I want to choose to be in a good mood, cos no one wants the company of a grouch.

Well, at least, this will be my mid-year resolution lah.


rainbow angeles said...

A good resolution, I must say :)

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