Update 03 ~ How To Get Back My $$$?? ~ 50% back | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Update 03 ~ How To Get Back My $$$?? ~ 50% back

As my friend promised, he did return MYR1000 to me at the end of July.

He informed me he'll be returning it on 25th or 26th July, when he was on leave, but he only managed to return on 27th July. Although 50% of the loan is returned, I didn't like it that he delayed it.

If it were me, when I say 25th means I will do it on the 25th whether it rains or shine, even if it kills me to do it.

I guess, one type of rice produces 100 types of people and I cannot expect everyone to be like me. I get disappointed ALL the time when people do not turn out the way I expected them to.

But I guess, most importantly, half the loan is back and I am relieved as I have other pressing obligations to meet.

And I also am thankful that this friend did not turn out to be as bad as he seems to be. For awhile there, I had self-doubts on my judgement on human character.

I thought I dropped my specs.

Chronological list:
How To Get Back My $$$??
Update 01 ~ How To Get Back My $$$??
Update 02 ~ How To Get Back My $$$??


rainbow angeles said...

i read from somewhere, forgot where liao, that if we decided to lend someone $$$, we must be prepared not to get it back :)

oh yeah, i baru ingat, i think i read it in this book, The Rules of Life... ;)

Em said...

This is my philosophy as well and when I gave him the loan, I did tell him to take his time in repayment.

However, over 2.5 years, circumstances changed, my financial condition changed too.

He also knows that I'll need it back sooner or later but I hated it that I have to be the one asking back, instead of him arranging for repayment BEFORE I approached him.

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