Update 01 ~ How To Get Back My $$$?? | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Monday, June 26, 2006

Update 01 ~ How To Get Back My $$$??

With reference to my post dated 19th June, 2006 on How To Get Back My $$$?, thank you for leaving a comment and giving me support, encouragement and COURAGE.

As soon as I posted that entry, I approached my friend via MSN chat on 19th June, 2006. I didn't want direct confrontation.

Here's a gist of our conversation:

Me: [name] you remember I loaned you some money? I need back by end of August. Is it possible?
Him: Sure, will try.
Him: I remember.
Him: Didn't try to avoid.
Me: I know. If you don't have by then, I'll be in big trouble.
Him: You give me your account details la. When I have, I go bank in little by little.
Me: [Gives bank details]
Him: Wait, I record in my handy
Him: You need all or can I give what I can?
Me: You pay what you can first but I really need all by the end of August, 2006.
Him: All right, will try.
Him: I really hope I can return fast. Knowing your financial situation, was hoping to do it end of this year [he has a large sum of money coming in mid-2007, actually, and NOT end of this year, as he thinks]
Me: I'm asking you now to give you time to save up
Him: Just paid road tax and insurance [he's driving a Wira]
Me: I also don't like to ask back lah.
Him: OK OK will try to look for it.
Him: Not angry, don't worry. [He has a right meh?] Just don't know how now. Will sure to have answers later.
Him: 2 other guys already I started paying.
Him: Got July & August, another 2 over months.
Him: Don't worry too much. Will put yours top priority.
Me: OK
Him: So how are you and [name]?
[name] well already after 3 weeks. Me took care of him, really exhausting. He couldn't walk. Luckily he has recovered.
Him: What's my Christian name?
Me: [name]
Me: Why?
Him: Your English don't sound like you.
Me: Aiyo it's me lah.
Him: Sked it was [your] papa or koko mah.
Me: Crazy you.
Him: Thought they found out about the loan and pressure you.
Me: They dont know, must not let them know.
Him: Now so many debt, 2 still paying interest. Back date sumore, that's why no savings to repay you. [he was jobless for 8 months]
Me: If I have a choice, I also don't want to ask back now lah.
Him: eeeee not scold you la [he has a right meh?]
, it's just bad timing.
Me: bla bla bla
Him: Go to Singapore also no allowance [sent by company]. Lousy company. Kuhorn company [I found him this job].
Me: bla bla bla
Him: This month room rental also raised by MYR50. Now MYR550 per month lor. Electricity lor.

It's the end of June now, and I'm still waiting for his money, which I hope he can pay some from his June paycheck. Like he said, there are three paychecks to deduct from, but to me, he doesn't sound promising at all. His replies are also half-hearted only and from 19th June, he hasn't talked to me at all .......

We'll see then.

Chronological list:
How To Get Back My $$$??


CS LEE said...

end of august is 2 months from now,
by end of august you might not be able to receive full RM2k

i think you better follow up with him closely
30Jun RM500/RM1000
30July RM500/RM1000
30Aug RM1000

one more thing i wan to say: "#$%^& you are really a damm good friend!" eveb get him a 8K job and still let him pusing you! are you a man?

if he give you reasons, THEN you MUST reply him with more reasons! dont lose to him when giving reasons.. you CANNOT accept your deptor to give you reasons, he owes you money, he is the bad guy now!

You are too soft, dont you feel sad with this type of friend and the money!??!?!?! tell him "saya bukan anak datuk", "my family dont print money", please show him your angers..

plus, dont wait for the large amount of money this end of year! is nothing to do with you, he is not going to pay you 10K when he receive money from sky. tin kosong nyaring bunyinya! large amount of money!! kena 4D.. tell him to borrow from others and pay you first! large amount, geram when i repeat it!

do it like a man


i know this is non of my business, and i sound quite bokasi(kurang ajar). i am just geram when i see your friend pusing you.. that is not what friends should do! you treat him as a friend, he treat you like ATM!

Boringest said...

i agree with head hunter, although i hardly know you, if my friends borrow money and not return, i'll be damn angry as well, if he's really earning 8k a month, there shouldn't be problems paying the loan isn't it?

looking at the way he was asking you if it's really you or your parents pressuring you shows that he/she intends to delay the loan as long as possible. So beware!

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