My Observation on Ghost Month | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Monday, July 31, 2006

My Observation on Ghost Month

To me, the 7th month in the Chinese lunar calendar is always full of eerieness.

From my observation, there will be a lot of deaths, especially in the first and last few days of the month. That's why older folks need to take extra precaution.

In a residential area near my house, there were two deaths, just a few houses apart, on the first day of 7th month this year.

Also, I feel that there are extra accidents in this month, and some very freaky type too. And in 2006, there will be TWO 7th months! Be careful!

Talking about deaths, it's quite contagious. Once somebody dies, there will ALWAYS be somebody living nearby who will go as well.

I used to joke that the deceased needs mahjong kaki, but that's not funny, right? =)

Recently, in a bad year, there were THREE deaths along my street. They were months apart, but they all happened within that calendar year.

My neighbour told me that some time in the late 1950s, something similar happened. Three of our residents also died within a year.

Eerie, isn't it? Wonder when the next cycle will be ..........

Related post:
I Felt a Presence ....


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