I Felt a Presence .... | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Sunday, July 23, 2006

I Felt a Presence ....

...... beside me in bed!!! It was the second time in a couple of months. People say, in times of stress, the spirit gets weak. I do hope it's just that.... that I'm spiritually weak for NOW, due to stress.

PLUS, I did not wash my feet when I entered the house. It's a Hindu belief that one has to wash his feet upon returning home, before entering the house. But I'm not a Hindu maa....

I was conscious but I felt a vacuum (noisy air) in my ears and my whole body was very stiff (not cramp, ok?), and I was thinking to myself, "Oh Shit, gwai ah!" ["Oh Shit, it's a ghost!"]

That bladdy spirit was rocking my bed, and the motion was like somebody having sex, you know, up-down, up-down.... well, I guess up-down motion is better than left-right lah.

So I was searching my mind for some mantra to chant and my mind was blank. I had forgotten "Namo Omi Thor Futt" or "Om Mani Padme Hung". Haihh I let myself down, man.

Then suddenly, I remembered something and I said in my heart *Bismillah hirRahman nirRahim* which translates to "In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful".

Blimey, I don't know why I remembered that line. I'm not a Muslim. Ahhh the power of television!

The good news is, that line got the spirit off my bed. Well, anything that works, baby.......


Arni said...

that's creepy,

I guess I'm gonna start collecting 'holy phrases' from all the prominent religions in the world... just in case.

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