Losing My Objective in Blogging | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Monday, July 24, 2006

Losing My Objective in Blogging

When I first started, I felt like I finally have an avenue to bring out my deepest thoughts and kill the devil in me. If there's no outlet, these thoughts will turn cancerous and eat me up inside. Or at least that was how I felt.

Anyway, now that the novelty has worn off, I'm wondering, why do I continue to blog? Why do I feel like I HAVE to submit at least a post a day? A post a day keeps the (mental) doctor away?

Do I blog for Adsense? Definitely not. I can't earn that money even if my life depended on it.

It's getting increasingly difficult to keep my identity anonymous. And I'm spending more and more time on the computer and neglecting my real world life. A friend invited me to go bowling with him but I told him I'm busy, and ended up staying in to blog!

But to be frank, I don't think I have the strenght to "carry balls". Every day, I feel like I'm typing hundreds of thousands of words and it seems a neverending task. My fingers feel like they are going to fall off, how to "carry balls" anymore? -.-

Do I really keep my readers, however little there are, entertained? Am I able to? If so, for how long?

I am a retired chatter, a retired forummer and I can just as well, sooner than later be a retired blogger. If this blog is left to drown in an ocean of growing blogs, will anyone miss me?


Dilip Mutum said...

Maybe it would be better if you didn't have an objective and blog just for fun - for yourself. That's my principle. I do read people have to say through their comments and I sometimes do listen but I blog whatever I want and that's it.

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