Is this Rudeness or Arrogance? | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Is this Rudeness or Arrogance?

Two days ago, Fat4 wrote about getting stressed from eating out. On the other hand, I face a different scenario.

I've been patronising a coffeeshop for a few years now. How long, I don't exactly remember, but I've seen stall vendors getting married and having babies, so that should give an idea of how long it has been.

Anyway, I can say that all the time that I have eaten from one of the tennants, a curry noddle stall, and that is about 5 days out of a week, this lady hawker has not once said "thank you" to me.

Not that I MUST have her appreciation, but I'm after all, a customer and I spend my money at her stall, I support her business, and yet, every time I pay her, she keeps quiet and take the money just like that, no smile, no thank you, no eye contact.

Her husband, the waiter, will sometimes say "thank you", sometimes make small talk, but also most of the time, keep dumb.

At least the coffeeshop boss also knows how to say "thank you" even when I order just a glass of 30 sen chinese tea.

I don't know if I should call this curry noddle lady rude or arrogant, or maybe at the end of the day, she is too tired that she has forgotten her manners.

She makes it seem as if I MUST patronise her stall, but I only go out of convenience and I don't mind if her food is not exceptionally delicious. But from her style, she seems to think that hers is the best.

Talking about manners, if you have been to Jusco when they open for daily business in the morning, all their sales personnel will be at the main door, welcoming you.

That's overdoing already. Sometimes I feel like telling them, "I'm here for the air-cond only lah."

And then, after Lion Group's Parades were taken over by another conglomerate, their staff went for retraining and now, when you just feel like browsing their merchandise, the sales people will come over and say, "Good evening."

That's so weird.

Once, I was rushing from the front door to the back door cos my ride was waiting for me at the back door. It was nearly closing time so I had to walk very fast, stopped short of running cos I just had a heavy meal.

Then out of a sudden, a short sales girl, called out from beind a pillar, "Good night." Wah that startled me. Crazy meh, stand behind the pillar for what? I wouldn't have noticed her if she didn't call out "Good nght".


CS LEE said...

30 sen chinese tea? so damn cheap?

Em said...

Some places 40sen =)

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