4th Anniversary | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Sunday, May 02, 2010

4th Anniversary

2nd May, 2010 marks the fourth year that this blog has been in existence, though I actually started blogging in December of 2005. Whoa, time really flies, I tell you.

I am glad that I took up blogging when I did. I actually know of blogs and blogging way before I started but felt that I didn't have anything to share, and even if I did, I didn't want to share publicly. But when I started my blog, I took it up diligently and didn't look back since.

Blogging totally changed my life. I found the freedom that I needed. The freedom to express my opinion is one and financial freedom is the other. Through blogging, I also managed to make a few extra friends. Few, because, as you can see, I blog anonymously. Only a handful of people know who I am and I don't mind one bit. I actually like it.

While many bloggers I know have already moved onto other things, I will always continue to blog, though sometimes my posts may be a little late in coming. I know that no matter what, this blog, a blog that I have written some of my most personal thoughts, will always stay live.


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