Shuttling Between Two Cities | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Sunday, May 02, 2010

Shuttling Between Two Cities

I told my friend that I am planning to shuttle between two cities because I plan to set up a small business but my friend told me that it would not be viable based on my scale of business because my profit will be spend on transportation and short term accommodation.

This friend is also doing something similar, that's why I asked for his opinion. He travels to the capital city once a month but since he is a full time employee and the business that he is there for is actually the business of the company, he gets reimbursed for his traveling expenses.

My friend told me that recently, his company implemented a Vehicle Reimbursement program and since mobile employees like him are not assigned company vehicles anymore, they have to use their private cars but luckily, they are reimbursed at the end of the month based on mileage traveled for the month in the course of work.

Vehicle reimbursement program is still new here and many employers would like to implement it because it will reduce the company's liability and lowers its risk. Overall, it will be easier to manage costs. Employees, on the other hand, are not very aceptable of such programs but I think it takes time for such changes to be embraced, especially when they see the benefits of a vehicle reimbursement program.

*** This post has been sponsored.


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