Wishing On A Holiday Again | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Wishing On A Holiday Again

I have only been home slightly longer than two weeks after a 9-day holiday at the end of March but boy, am I looking forward to another already! As a matter of fact, after nine days away from my work station, I have a lot of work to catch up on. Sure, I had my laptop with me but I was only able to put in minimum work. I was moving about too much to be able to concentrate on work.

I had at first planned on visiting Singapore with a friend and his family on Labour Day. As you know, there's the new Universal Studios Theme park and although the tickets wouldn't be cheap, at least it is going to be cheaper now seeing how Ringgit has strengthened over the past few months.

Anyway, I guess I would not be able to make it as planned because of various reasons and so will have to make a trip to Singapore later either alone or with another friend. Perhaps by then, it would be even cheaper. LOL


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