May Birthdays | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Friday, April 30, 2010

May Birthdays

A new month is coming tomorrow. Boy, how time flies. I don't like May, actually, because I have quite a few friends who celebrate their birthday in May. Besides knowing that all those birthday gifts will bust my budget, I also don't like it that although I would like to give them handmade gifts for their birthdays because handmade gifts are more meaningful and shows our sincerity, I always end up buying them inexpensive gifts at the last minute.

I always have problems getting gifts for my male friends. My usual items are pens, music CDs or DVDs, books or Baseball Gloves. I try hard to keep track of the gifts I get for each friend so that I don't repeat them but it's difficult. I prefer to buy gifts for my girlfriends who wouldn't mind one bit if I just buy them a session at the spa every birthday!

In any case, I have to start writing down the birthday gifts that I would have to get so that I won’t have to go to the mall multiple times. And oh yes, I nearly forgot that I am invited to a wedding dinner at the end of May too. What gifts do people buy when they attend a wedding reception? Would plain cash do?

*** This post has been sponsored.


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