Is It My Fault? | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Is It My Fault?

Last night, or maybe I should say early this morning, as usual, I was chatting with my friend and I was telling him that we have no future together. I told him that I don't see him as a husband, MY husband; age difference and skin colour not withstanding. This has been a long standing issue between us. I know he likes me but I only like him as a friend. It pains me to say these things because I don't want to hurt him.

This is the same friend who suffered a minor heart attack earlier this month, just a few days after I left Kuala Lumpur for Ipoh and he is hurt that I didn't make an impromptu trip to KL to visit him in hospital but I was afraid that he and his family and friends would think that I'm someone special in his life.

Anyway , I received his text message just now telling me that he is not feeling well and he was on his way to the hospital. When we were talking on the phone, he already said that he felt pain in his heart. He doesn't blame me for causing him heartache and puts it down to PMS but still, I feel awful.


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